We are updating our MEA Peace Mission with latest news and our sponsors' announcements for the upcoming Convention in 2015



MEA PEACE MISSION is a call to action initiative borne out of an increasing need for global sustainable peace. The honor and commitment of such a life-calling must be a shared and participatory mission with like-minded sojourners, in our short time on earth, as WE are called to action for the restoration of Peace. 

God had ordained at the foundation of the earth for men to walk in peace with their Creator and fellow men.  Our spirits yearn for that reconciliation and peace, and in its stead, we are facing the ugliness of a world so far from that call.  A world that has been so ravaged by men’s inhumanity to their fellow men in pursuit of their personal prosperity, that it is literally decaying before our eyes.  We face the resulting calamity of our self-absorption in the increasing and consistent global warming, famines, disease, and man-made nuclear and chemical threats.

It is our responsibility as men of faith, to rise up and lead our global family from the crisis facing us, our children and the legacy we leave to those coming

MEA PEACE MISSION is a joint and relentless international effort for peace, faith, and prosperity for our partner nations and the global community at large.  This peace must emanate from the Middle East and signal on a global scale our resolve to bring prosperity to our people.   Since our involvement with the UN and its 2011 summits surrounding the Youth and Emerging Peoples; we have found that for sustainable development and growth, we must have a sustainable peace.  True peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but in its pure form, creates the conduits and environment that harvests sustainable prosperity.  Economic independence and self-determination are cornerstones to this sustainability.


In 1983, while studying at the University of Arizona, Mr. Shamis started the first inter-faith campus group that focused on issues of peace in the middle east and the need for sustainable stability to promote effective economic development in the region.  When entering his graduate studies at the University of San Diego, Mr. Shamis with the help of the local synagogue launched another campus group for inter-faith students.  Jewish, Muslim and Christian students alike shared their viewpoints on sustainable peace and how they could contribute to this goal on a local and regional basis.  

These groups and Mr. Shamis' continued involvement throughout his professional and personal life have culminated in the MEA Peace Mission, formed by Mr. Shamis as part of his global humanitarian work.  

Since 2010, Mr. Shamis has been involved directly with members of all the various religious and political leadership groups throughout Europe and the Middle East.  In 2013, Mr. Shamis concentrated efforts to bring together members of the Catholic leadership to discuss the need for a unified approach in gathering the clerics into focused discussions about peace. 

Upon finalizing meetings in Naples, the outcome was greater than expected and the willingness to coordinate a series of profiled meetings and travels was agreed upon. The Peace Mission Summit conference 2015 will be the large event hosted in a safe and secure location that will permit the open dialogue to continue amongst world leaders and clerics. 



The MEA PEACE MISSION was borne out of a deep desire to see the perpetual crises here in the Middle East end.  There had been a long awaited hope for summer to the Arab spring; for which we continue to wait.  This hope seems to have morphed into more death and destruction, taking us further away from the Hope of Peace.  However, this has re-invigorated our focus and because we know that our children are facing even more extreme deficits as Global Citizens if we do nothing, we forge ahead with the Convention of Peace 2015 in pursuit of sustainable peace.


Gathering together leaders in all religious, political, and social arenas we will approach a new Global community with no borders and a new Continent of Information and power to be part of this gathering.  The Social media-scape has dramatically changed our concept of our Global Community and responsibility toward each other. 
Therefore we will trail-blaze new partnership and sponsorship ventures that will encompass the varying Global Perspectives and provide a voice to all to be heard in a spirit of respect and understanding.
The convention will be a 4-day event that will build upon relationship-centric resolve and common objectives. 


PEACE begins with each and every one of us.  We share this planet, we have hopes and dreams of a better life and opportunities for our children and families, those 2 things unite us in a universal pursuit of Peace as a long-term legacy for us and our fellow global citizens. Consider your participation now!


You can join as a Member and Sponsor of the Peace Mission and in doing so further our regional and community focused projects and Peace conventions.  We, as a group, are a sponsor of refugee camps as well as endowments for education and health initiatives globally.  Consider participating as a volunteer in our upcoming Peace Convention for our MEA Peace Mission that will be in 2015.  You can specify which project or initiative you would like to donate to on your submission form.  Thank you for your continued efforts for Global Peace.

Global Peace Mission

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